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A clear and present danger to children in your home

Falls from windows account for over a half of all domestic accidents involving children. We all know about stair gates and child-resistant catches and even the basics like keeping things out of reach for children. But did you know your windows could be a potentially lethal hazard to small children? We’ve got some tips on keeping children safe around windows we’d like to share.

We spoke to Katie, a mother of two children under 3 years old. “I really thought my home was completely child safe, but a friend recently told me how dangerous windows can be for young children. It never crossed my mind. My two are always curious and like most mums, I need eyes in the back of my head. Although my sash windows are heavy, I’ve often been surprised how determined my children are and just how often I tend to leave my windows open.”

It’s a sad fact that falls from windows are the 2nd most common cause of accidental deaths. (World Health Organisation)

Falls from windows account for over a half of all domestic accidents involving children. In fact, they are the 2nd most common cause of accidental deaths according to the World Health Organisation. Falls from windows are often considered freak accidents, but they’re far more common than you think. Statistically, 1 child under 5 years old is admitted to hospital every day after falling from a building. (Child Accident Prevention Trust) However, there’s a really simple and cheap solution that doesn’t involve constant supervision.

It’s quite understandable why young children are susceptible to falls from windows. Naturally, they are curious and have no real understanding of the dangers that even everyday objects can represent. Plus, it’s actually much easier for children to fall out of windows than adults. Not only are young children naturally smaller, but as their heads are proportionally larger, their centre of gravity makes it much easier to accidentally topple out of an open window.

Mighton Products Limited are the UK’s oldest established sash window hardware specialist. Mike Derham, founder of Mighton and a grandfather, explains the best way to prevent windows from becoming a safety hazard at home is simply to fit window safety devices. It seems obvious enough but what are they and how do they work?

Typically, you might think of large window guards or screens, but you also want something that is unobtrusive, does not affect the operation of your window, is easy to work and above all that is proven, tried and tested.

Mike adds:

At Mighton, we decided to engineer a window restrictor that can save lives. We needed something that was simple to use, easy to install, and ultimately works all the time.  As a grandfather and an engineer I wanted to invent something that could protect my grandchildren, can be easily used and is accessible to families across the world.

What is The Angel Ventlock?

When it comes to using the Angel Ventlock®, it couldn’t be easier. There are no special techniques, processes, tools, or keys. You can have complete peace of mind that your windows are safe and secure at the simple push of a button.

The Angel Ventlock® limits the sash window opening to100mm (4 inches) without compromising the emergency exit. The lock is designed so that children under 5 can’t release it, but for anyone else, it’s simple and easy, which is absolutely vital in an emergency situation. The great thing about the Angel Ventlock® is you don’t even have to think about re-engaging the lock – it’s all automatic.

Safety doesn’t have to come at the expense of aesthetics or the normal operation of the window. The Angel Ventlock® doesn’t interfere with your window’s normal function or looks. There is also a range of different finishes and types of fixing to suit most windows. The Angel Ventlock® is also easily retrofittable ensuring your existing windows can become safe immediately.

Don’t compromise on standards

The Angel Ventlock® is used by the world’s largest window companies and is protected by a registered Trademark in the USA, United Kingdom and the European Union.

Most restrictors on sale do not conform to the European BS EN14351-1:2006 standard and the global ASTM F2090-17 standard. It’s also important to understand that ‘security restrictors’ and ‘window locks’ are not safety devices. Angel Ventlock® is not only totally compliant with the European and global standards but is also a security device as well as a safety device.

When it comes to your children’s or grandchildren’s safety, risks just aren’t worth taking. The Angel Ventlock® makes complete sense all round. This award-winning product is also accredited by ‘Secured by Design’ – the official Police security initiative.


Other tips to keep our children safe around Windows?

Here are some top tips on keeping children safe around windows and the home;

  1. Supervise your children as they play
  2. Teach your children not to play near windows
  3. Close and lock your windows when children are around
  4. Only open windows that children can’t reach, or secure them with compliant locks, such as the Angel Ventlock®
  5. Keep beds, furniture and anything children can climb on away from windows
  6. Don’t depend on insect screens and curtains to prevent falls – they’re not designed for this
  7. Repair broken windows as soon as possible
  8. Open windows from the top
  9. Install child safety devices that comply with high safety standards, such as the Angel Ventlock®
  10. Never leave young children unattended near open windows

Child window safety is no accident

Accidents can happen very quickly and having eyes everywhere all the time is practically impossible. Choosing Angel Ventlock® provides the reassurance that every parent or carer wants – it was literally designed to save lives.

Ask for the Angel Ventlock® by choice.

For more information about Angel Ventlock® specification and range visit