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Mighton Products strengthens security credentials

Mighton Products has achieved PAS24 and Secured by Design accreditation for a range of the company’s specialist vertical sliding sash hardware and security products for timber windows. Mighton undertook compliance with these key standards to further improve the quality and performance of the products it supplies for use with traditional sash frames.

Products included are: Sash Pulleys  (1¾”); Locking Ventlocks; Push Ventlocks; Locking and Non-locking Heritage Fasteners; Locking and Non-locking Fitch Fasteners; Solid Brass Sash Lift; Securibead; Cill Locks; Meeting Rail Guard; Bottom Rail Guard; Locking and Non-locking Securifitch; Meeting Rail Interlock (aluminium).

“As the UK’s leading supplier of hardware products for timber sash windows we have a responsibility to ensure performance standards that lead the market, and we will work closely with our customers to ensure they are successful in meeting their specification obligations,” explained Mighton’s Mike Derham.

Mick Reynolds from Secured by Design said, “Mighton’s range of PAS24 tested hardware for timber sash windows are ideal for those looking to meet the requirements of Part Q of the Building Regulations when making bespoke products. They also assist their customers looking to achieve third-party certification on their doors and windows so that they are more likely to pass first time.”

In addition Mighton offers customers a free drawing service to help meet security requirements of the Document Q of the Building Regulations when project specifications require a full suite of PAS 24: 2016 products.

The standards will be revealed in the company’s latest catalogue, due for publication on April 1st. For a free copy email [email protected], or telephone  +44 (0) 1223 497097 and speak to one of our team.