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Weight | N/A |
Dimensions | N/A |
Our Terms and Conditions contain important information relating the purchase and appropriate usage of some of our products. Click here to view our terms and conditions.
Simple way to add weight to your sash weights and aid in balancing your sashes. Slide the Deflector weight down the cord and onto the top of the existing weight.
If you sash weights are short and pass each other, they can foul. Fitting a Deflector weight to the top of your existing sash weights can help deflect the opposite sash weight during operation.
Lead prices fluctuate according to trading on the London Metal Exchange (LME). As a result, we reserve the right to change our lead prices without notification
£2.45 ex. VAT
Weight | N/A |
Dimensions | N/A |
Our Terms and Conditions contain important information relating the purchase and appropriate usage of some of our products. Click here to view our terms and conditions.